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Hello Beautiful Patrons. Can I offer you a seat?

My studio is one of the single greatest gifts the Patreon fam has given me. Having a space exclusively to work from is a huge part of how I'm able to do so much of the work I love and it's been an ongoing process to make it suit my needs.

When we did our last Studio Tour back in April of 2022, I had just started setting up this new space and it felt like such an achievement. I've spent a lot of time since then refining the set up so we can spend time together on stream, in discord hangouts, and so I can make as many artsy antics and I can. The focus was on getting the space functional first and I'm proud of how well it works and how much creative work comes from this little studio of mine.

Adding a second space that wasn't my desk seems so simple but let me tell you I RUMINATED for ages about this one little corner and went through a hundred iterations of what purpose this space could serve. Having a corner in the studio that doesn't face a screen and is intended to let me draw or read or think or rest feels like another one of those achievements.

Building in rest is an achievement.

In any profession, but especially the creative fields where the work is never perfect or finished, building space and time for rest is an achievement. The space in my head and the space in my studio are something I'm equally proud of.

You should be too. I have both due in large part to the support from YOU beautiful patrons.

Thank you for being here friends, and for making so much space for art, and even space for rest, possible.

You're amazing.





Can we have/do a studio tour sometime ? as I havent been here for any past studio tours


I recently moved my desk and creative area to its own room. We have the luxury of a second bedroom that we were using as a guest room, now it’s my crafting and art space. I can sit in my very peaceful living room and not feel like my desk is staring at me, telling me off for taking time to myself!