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Wild wonderful Patrons,

I am head-to-toe-shrieking-level-excited to share that I have officially been accepted into the Patreon Ambassador program.

This is an opportunity offered to creators after hitting a bunch of milestones and it might be one of the most meaningful things that you've ever helped make happen. This community is a huge part of how I'm able to do the work I love and it is my constant joy to share it with all of you. Being a Patreon Ambassador gives me a chance to connect with other creators, talk shop, get and give mentorship and make a path to being a creative more accessible to others.

You all know that holding the door open for others is something I believe in, and I'm only here because of ALL the people who were generous with their time and their knowledge. Every single one of you have made this possible. 

Grateful doesn't even begin to cover it Patrons. Thank you for giving me the chance to share that possibility with as many other creatives as I can.

You are the reason we're here. You all make art happen.

If you need me, I'll be a weepy mess in the studio for the next 48 hours minimum. Thank you. Over and over. Again and again.





Congrats, Brenda! So happy for you! 🎉⭐


Thank you sweet friend. This belongs to all of us and I am so grateful 💜


So extremely deserved, and I can't be prouder of you. You've built a truly amazing and beautiful community and this is yet another reminder of the inspiration and joy you bring to us all. <3 CONGRATULATIONS BRENDAAAAAA AAAAAAAAH


I WILL CRY FOREVERRRR thank you friend, it is an honour to have you be part of it.


So well deserved sweet friend ❤️


Epic news! congratulations !