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Dear Patrons,

One of the things I most appreciate about the Patreon fam is that it brings a rhythm into my studio practice. Planning and designing, drawing and inking, printing then packaging. The designs for next month will often overlap with the printing and packaging for the current month and it’s not uncommon for me to have several months of Patreon designs and perks at different stages at once.

This is a tiny sneak peek of something that’s still a little ways away, but will be here before you know it. I wanted to share a little look here because I think it’s remarkable that you’ll support wild ideas I haven’t even had yet. Designing for you is one of my greatest joys and I am so happy you’re here for it friends.

Thank you for bringing that rhythm, that deep inhale and exhale that cycles through my studio every month. It means the world.





What is this water color name (again)


Viviva! They're awesome - hang on I have an affiliate link for them: https://vivivacolors.com/artinjest


Love this little guy aaand I live rhythm in my life !


Love rhythm but yes I live rhythm too !


They’re really good! They’ve sent me supplies to try a bunch of times and I’m always so impressed. I use them a lot.