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Beautiful Patrons,

Do you get grumpy when interrupted? I have a mind that likes long stretches of time. It's a luxury our lives are not often built around and when I have it, I'm keen to protect it. I wondered for a long time what made the feeling of being interrupted so disorienting. I still don't always understand why my mind reacts the way it does, but I'm more comfortable doing things that make changing tasks or switching gears easier.

Be kind to your minds friends. Let them be odd and particular. Give them the strange and inexplicable and helpful accommodations when you can. 

I'm so glad to have all your beautiful brains as part of the Patreon fam, and your support is often the exact thing that lets me take those extra minutes when I need them. Thank you for being here friends. You're weirdly wonderful, all of you.




I find I am at both ends of the spectrum. When I'm focusing, time melts away and any little distraction is jarring. Other times, it's almost like I actively look for distractions. But it does make sense that being disturbed from a focused state can be irritating! 💖


Ohhh I get the wandering mind too. Do you do anything to try to focus? Sometimes I want my brain to wander but other times I really wanna wrangle it!


OHH that flow state is so good when we can get there isn't it??? Hehe I know that feeling of actively looking for distractions. Did you even go to the library to study in like.. a tiny empty room just to make yourself pay attention? I used to have to do that alllll the time.


ABSOLUTELY. I used to try and force myself into the most mundane places to try and focus but that rarely still worked! 😅


it depends on whether i actually *want* to do the thing i'm doing. if i'm working on a picture or designing something, i get annoyed at anything that isn't that.