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I got to look at some furniture for THE NEW STUDIO SPACE OMG SQUEEE but also why are furniture stores exhausting?

Are there SEDATIVES being pumped into shopping centres?!?! Why do fluorescent lights just slowly drain my will?!? WHY I ASK YOU. Is this just me??

Do you wanna lay down after two shopping stops? Are people just caffeinating after every stop???

Thank you patrons, for being a big part of why I can even have a studio in the first place. You’re awesome.





SHOPPING IS SO TIRING IN GENERAL. If only it was easier to visualise things and buy everything online. :(


Ooooh! Furniture shopping! SO. MUCH. FUN. But yes, stores are exhausting. I suspect it's a combination of the fake lights, and having to be aware OF EVERYTHING. (Especially nowadays.) Where are the people I need help from? Where are the people I need to keep a distance from? Where did they put the thing(s) I want to see? Etc. etc. etc... If ever you need someone to pre-shop online, that is my jam. (I'm trying to talk myself out of a Triceratops footstool for work...)


YES that's exactly it. TOO many things for my brain to ignore and not ignore also WHAT DO YOU MEAN TALK YOURSELF OUT OF I NEED TO SEE THIS STOOL


ESPECIALLY for spaces. I have been mentally running in circles in the new studio and it will not slow down until things actually start getting placed. So true my friend.


That definitely sounds SO difficult. But I can't wait to see what the studio will look like! I'm sure it'll be FANTASTIC 🙌