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Recently, one of our wonderful Patron fam sent me some Animal Crossing 3D printed miniatures so I could paint them on stream.

I LOVE IT and also I keep thinking if I get my nose THIS CLOSE to the mini I will surely be able to paint perfectly.

Spoiler: this is not in fact the case.

A reminder to stretch that meat Mech that your brain is driving around in and if you want to see me fail SPECTACULARLY at my own advice, come hang out on Twitch.tv/artinjest for the stream! Mondays and Wednesdays 7-9ish and Fridays 12-2est.

Happy Wednesday wonderfuls!





You know a magnifying glass is very helpful in avoiding the goblin, lets you think you are real close lol. Also, the fact that your post is about failing SOECTACULARLY is perfection.


I do feel so special though, something I sent got made into a Brenda making funny faces comic.


As well you SHOULD. Plus this is fodder for a week of streams at LEAST.