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Hello Patrons!

As you may know already thanks to my space-themed tier names, I am just a WEE bit obsessed with space travel. Needless to say, when the Mars rover landed this past month I was glued to the screen. These complex machines fascinate me and I love the idea that we can actually see footage of the Perseverance rover all the way up on Mars. How COOL is that??

This months perks feature the Perseverance rover, the Atlas V rocket, and the little wee Ingenuity drone that all made it possible for us to see the surface of Mars like never before. I can't wait for you to see them in person!!

If you need me, I'll be over here stargazing and making more things thanks to YOU beautiful Patrons. 

Be well. Stay awesome. Dare mighty things.





Just got them in the mail the other day - these are soooooo goooooooddddd!!!!!!! Thanks Brenda! :-)