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Hello dear Patrons.

I posted a painting I've been working on on socials and I knew I wanted to talk about it in this month's Patrons only comic. I've been thinking about my sticky brain a lot lately. After the monstrous news about the attacks on Capitol Hill, I was in full on sticky-brain mode and some of those images were REALLY hard to shake.

During the coverage, I saw this incredible image of staffers carrying the boxes of congressional votes to safety - escorting them out of the very real and present danger of a violent riot. I couldn't shake that image either, but it had hope in it, instead of just fury and fear.

Painting is a way for me to look and look deeply, and also a way for me to process. Making that painting was the only way I could get my brain to spend the time it needed to on that image and then, having done what I could, to PUT IT DOWN. Not because I want to bury my head in the sand, but because I want to be able to function and contribute to the world in a positive way. Obsessing over the fear and hate of others doesn't help me do that.

So thank you. Truly. For making it possible for me to take the time my sticky brain needed, and turn these ideas and the images over and over, to put them on paper and finally, to put them down.

Big love.




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