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WOW we are already at week three!! Posts from day 19-25 PLUS the early look at day 26 that will go up elsewhere tomorrow.

It was profoundly weird to be simultaneously surrounded by people and still completely alone.  I am FASCINATED by other people and I love knowing what everyone's story is so I found it extremely challenging to pretend I was on my own little meditation island. 

The tenet of the meditation retreat was to avoid any and all communication with other students - not just speaking - and every single person on that course was going through their own battle, confronting their own demons, and looking to calm their own mind. It was pretty common to walk around and see people visibly distraught. 

Extroverts LOVE responding to other people. It's where a lot of our energy comes from. But it's also an extremely good distraction that can keep you from asking your own questions for a looooong time. 

Coming up the home stretch. Thanks for being here friends. 




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