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Hello Patrons!

I am so glad I took your advice and used Inktober to storytell. Putting “Reflection” out into the world has already been more cathartic than I expected and it’s only week one.

I’m posting the full first week (and a bit) here so you can binge if you’d like. INCLUDING today’s post which hasn’t gone out on socials yet. This story is from a very weird time and I learned a heckuva lot which I’m forever grateful for. I’ll be posting these in batches here for you guys as a Patron exclusive, but they go up one day at a time on social media (mainly instagram) as part of the daily drawing challenge so many artists take on in October.

Speaking of challenge - how’s everyone doing? Hanging in? Giving thanks during the weirdest of thanksgiving times? I’m working hard on maintaining motivation and this community has been a huge help with that. Your October perks are going in the mail shortly (a little later in the month than usual but never fear they’re on the way!!) and I can’t wait for you to get them.

I hope whatever your October is looking like, you’re finding things to enjoy. All the thanks from me to you for being the coolest community I could ever ask for.





I want to thank you for the model of inktober and introducing the thought that I could do some prompted sketching of my own. It's felt like a manageable activity that's given and giving me some headspace. I'm also enjoying your story, I wanna know it all! ♥


I’m glad!! Daily drawing challenges are a huge help aren’t they. Happy to have you following the story!