YOU GUYS!! (Patreon)
I made a Skillshare class and I AM VERY EXCITED ABOUT IT.
If you’re not familiar, Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes on all kinds of topics.
I made this little Intro to Gouache painting, where we make a super simple mixed media landscape. We use gouache paint, but the techniques and exercises would actually work for most types of paints if you want to try layering and landscapes. I've been working on ways to teach workshops in this strange new world and this is an option I'm super excited about.
SkillShare has a paid section but if you use this link you actually don't have to have a premium account and you can just watch the class for free:
The link should take you to the class and you can "sign up" without having to buy a membership! It will ask for your name and email but that's it. I'm not paid for those views but I wanted to give out the free link just so you can see if it's something you dig. Try it out let me know what you guys think! It's a new platform for me so I'd love to hear your feedback if you end up watching the class.
If you DO dig it please do review the class and share it. It's super helpful since this is a new platform to me. Huge thank you to all of you for supporting the work I do and giving me some space to think about new ways to adapt a creative career. You're amazing.