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For the moment it isn’t an option to go out into the world and just hang out and draw people and places. This is certainly the smallest of problems in the grand scheme but it’s one I needed to solve for myself nonetheless.

One of my favourite sketching options has always been people not posing or perfect but just going about their day. I pulled out the Humans of New York book and just picked a couple random pictures and sketched the people in them to warm up. Not a bad option all things considered!

What are you doing “instead of” these days? Give me your solutions friends! Thank you all for being here and for supporting the work I do during this very strange time. Stay safe!





Been doing a fair amount more drawing, with pastels, than painting.


Painting while chatting online has been fun over zoom. Ordering food in has also been an adventure - who else can we get through skip the dishes?! Fun to put gas money towards something else! Haven't been drawing as much though. A lot less free time. Ah well!


Love a good zoom-paint. That's a great way to "hang out". We've been hitting UberEats pretty hard. Our BIA has a listing of local businesses doing take out and ways to support restaurants - worth looking into if you wanna love local on lockdown!