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Hello you wonderful patrons. It's time for another little drawing exercise! I put this out on socials today and wanted to share it here. Just a pen and paper will do nicely and any old object to draw. 

This exercise feels so strange but it's actually one of my favourite ways to teach the eye to really look at our subject. It's something we do in traditional drawing classes all the time, but there's a fun bonus to this exercise that I love. Because we're not looking at our page while drawing, we can't POSSIBLY expect to have a perfect likeness. This is so freeing to me and really lets me focus on the process of drawing rather than the end result.

A huge thank you to all of you for your support during this strange strange time. I have some special perks in store and I cannot wait to share them with you. 

In the meantime, if you try this funny little exercise, let me know!

Be well friends.



Blind Contour Drawing: Draw what you see, not what you know.

Sooooo drawing without looking at the paper huh? LISTEN stay with me! This exercise feels so strange but it's actually one of my favourite ways to teach the eye to really look at our subject. It's something we do in traditional drawing classes all the time, but there's a fun bonus to this exercise that I love. Because we're not looking at our page while drawing, we can't POSSIBLY expect to have a perfect likeness. This is so freeing to me and really lets me focus on the process of drawing rather than the end result. Now more than ever, I wanted to say a huge thanks to the beautiful supporters on Patreon who make these videos possible and who are an incredible source of support during some pretty uncertain times for creatives. If you like the content I put out, consider supporting me on Patreon and get monthly art-goodies by mail, comics, tutorials, early access to videos and more. It's a wonderful little community and I'm so very grateful for it. Check it out: https://www.patreon.com/artinjest All music is from Epidemic Sound


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