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Hello beautiful friends. Early look at this little comic that will go up on socials. I wanted to share it here first. We actually did decide to paint a wall in our house a hot second before we had a ton of people over and I really felt like we were setting ourselves up for a sitcom moment. That said, our last minute impulses didn’t bite us in the butt this time and all was well. I hope if you celebrated that it was free of stress and drama, and that you are taking this time-vortex this week to be a potato and release all expectations of yourself just to enjoy a week of relaxation.

I’ve been working behind the scenes on your January perks and I can’t wait to send you the first perk packs of the new year! Having your support this past year has meant so much to me and I can’t wait to see what we make in the New Year.

Big love to you all.




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