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July is here so it's time to suggest!

Drop your paring/ships of your choice here, and I'll create a poll to choose the one with the most votes! TD or DC characters are allowed.

There's also a chance for a second winner that won't be judged by votes, but rather by my personal preference if I find the idea intriguing enough.


  • Only one suggestion per member.

  •  I prefer to focus on couples mostly, you can still suggest 3 characters.

  • No crossover ships between TD/DC or cross-gen ships. (All stars and RR character interactions are an exception of course)

  • I reserve the right to not to do certain characters/ships (feel free to ask here or through DM if you have any doubts).

                If you receive a like from me, it means your suggestion has been approved.

    You have until Wednesday the 3rd to submit your suggestions or until I reach the limit of 25 options. Looking forward to your ideas! - Edit: I've already reached the 25-option limit, will post the poll soon




Damien topping chase