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So, this has been the worst month of my life. Being admitted twice to the hospital within a month is a very un-fun experience. I’m now out for the 2nd time, hopefully for the last.

The doctors took out my appendix two days after my pericardium surgery was done. They think I can handle recovering from both operations simultaneously because I’m young. I know they’re probably right, but recovering from both these surgeries hurts awful right now. Basically any bending, laughing, coughing, etc, causes a lot of pain in my abdomen. And so, I’m spending most of my time in bed. I don’t expect myself to get back to work for at least a week, full recovery might take a month or more.

I’m reassured by the fact that soon this experience will be in the past and things will return back to normal. I suppose the lesson learnt from this is that I shouldn’t take what I have for granted. Like, my life was suddenly at risk of being taken (twice) and I had no idea it was coming so fast. So yeah, that’s about it. I’ll be back posting soon, hopefully.


Christian London

Get well soon. Hope it's nothing too major


You got this! Hang tough and you’ll feel back to 100% in no time


Just rest and dont push it, hoping for a speedy recovery!