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The files are uploaded on a dedicated Discord channel.

Please register on Discord and link to us from the membership page!

Monthly submissions will be deleted in the middle of the month following that month and will be sold for a fee in the pixiv booth!

(As an example, an article posted in May will be deleted in the middle of June.)

Don't forget to save your downloads!

Request Plan members may only make one request from the date of subscription until the next plan renewal!

(We will send a message to eligible members.)

Please note that some characters are inevitably difficult to generate due to the nature of the generation AI.

Therefore, it will be smoother if you decide on multiple candidate characters and priorities in advance instead of just one character!











h user

Help! "The owner of this website (ux.getuploader.com) has banned the autonomous system number (ASN) your IP address is in (17552) from accessing this website."


It looks like you were caught in an access restriction! May we ask you to try another connection, such as via smartphone or wifi?


I'm at a loss... Unless uploader.jp removes the restriction, we are not likely to be able to provide you with a solution beyond using a vpn! Sorry we can't help you!


We are planning to stop updating the uploader and will be focusing on Discord in the future. I think there will be no problem with access restrictions there, so please feel free to join us!