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We're in business! The Polymath 2.2.0 release version should be ready, barring any bugs I detect in further testing while preparing the script. I'll put together a formal update tonight, which will include the final beta version of Polymath 2.2.0. Now, I can finally start putting together the video!



Emanuel Pereda

I keep getting an error when I make a subclass to existing class . Sometimes it gives me this error and sometimes it doesn't . and I add custom spells with custom action resource---+ progressions/progressionseverylevel.lsx...parsing error at or near line 15 column 22. Guide should contaim 32 digits with 4 dashes . When I look in the file of progressions every level. There isn't anything in the table uuid or uuid. Just has "TableUUID_Class" and "UUID_class. But doesn't have any numbers there ..I added my own CARP and custom spells using the CARP. using the beta version of polymath 2_2_0 UPDATE: I just had to go into the progressions and add the table uuid and the uuid manually to the progressions every level.lsx. to make things faster, I used the replace function!

Julian Willett

Yeah, that is one limitation with BG3 Modder's Multitool in that it does not let you make your mod unless everything is perfect (versus when I implemented LSLib to pak the mod). You can also delete the Progressions_EveryLevel.lsx file if you want to test more quickly. A copy of the file is in the required_files/Public/ModName/Progressions/ folder.