Polymath 2.2.0 Update (Patreon)
Hey everyone! I appear to have identified what is necessary to make custom weapons work consistently in-game (thank you to GentlemanBabbo's Surgeon class mod that I used to help figure out the finer details: https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/6111). I now have something more stable to work with when automating it all. As is almost always the case with BG3 modding, the UUIDs will get you!
A key update is that LSLib, for whatever reason, is not producing mods where your custom weapon's custom name shows up, when it does for BG3 MM. I don't have a good reason at present for why this is (the source code for BG3 Modder's Multitool is not the most intuitive for someone with less background in C##). So, sadly, we are going to have to transition to again requiring use of BG3MM with Polymath versus having everything in one nice little package.