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Hey all! Even better news on the development front! I believe I have resolved the bug preventing all the items/passives/weapons from the non-Shared game folder from working. So you can now give your class what should be every weapon/armor type in-game, while also editing it in the widget! I just gave myself Halsin's spear! This updated alpha build is attached here :)

As for the widget, it will be done shortly after I add a few search boxes and entry fields for how your weapon/armor will show up text-wise in-game. Making your custom items available in-game is turning out to be a little more tricky (items rely on data contained in a weapon file, alongside an XML-formatted file in RootTemplates). So it will take a bit longer, but not much longer (even when balanced with a busy work schedule at present with 3 conferences next week while I work on 3 high-impact research manuscripts). Stay tuned!


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