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I've noticed that the femdom community can be really diverse when it comes to interests, with some folks leaning extreme when it comes to kinks while others are at the borderline of vanilla. To me, as long as everyone participating is safe, sane and consenting, both sides and everything in between are valid and fun!

But when it comes to you specifically, what do you like to see in YOUR version of GFD [gentle femdom] or femdom? And what would you like to see more of? I always love learning what people are into!


Hol Horse

I'm very very very on the light end with my GFD. I'm submissive male and for me the big allure is the love and trust that comes with the kink. The tenderness and genuine passion in knowing your partner, trusting in them and loving them to be vulnerable for them in the act of love making is, to me at least, the epitome of consumating your relationship. Plus I have a massive hosiery and glove fetish that GFD loves to incorporate! What can I say, I'm a simple man!


Aww that's sweet, yeah regardless of the dynamics between partners, love, trust and affection are super important! Also hell yeah for hosiery fetish 🤝 Actually, one of my planned longer comics is based on hosiery/pantyhose, but it'll be a while before it's completed aha Thank you for sharing! :]

Lewd Pingu

I love seeing the pure feeling of elation that appears on the bottoms/subs face when they give or receive something that is under the control of their partner. Gfd for me emphasizes the connection between the pair that is usually not seen often in traditional femdom. Most importantly for myself I wish there were more gloves present in gfd and femdom media. Especially for things like anal play 😵‍💫 altho this is more so because of my own glove fetish


Yess, the way a bottom/sub's face melts in pleasure and bliss is so delicious!! Totally agree about seeing the connection in GFD, thankfully I'm seeing more artists/creators emphasizing it compared to a few years back :') You joined at a great time for my current comic hehe 🤭🧤 Thank you for sharing!