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We're finally there! I've been posting beta builds of Wabbajack 3.0 over on Discord and a special Github repo. If you feel so inclined, please stop by, download the latest release and give it a whirl. Just extract the .zip and run `Wabbajack.exe`. From what I can tell the build mostly works, and I've been fixing 3-4 bugs a day and releasing new builds daily.

This sort of rapid feedback not only helps me get new releases out quickly, but I think is also a good indication of how close we're getting a full 3.0 release. Barring any major issues discovered in the next 2-3 days, I'd love to push 3.0 out as the official release next week. There's no major rush on this, but the moment we go live with 3.0 I can stop working on two codebases at once, and my development workload will be much lighter.

So if you get the chance, please give the latest builds a whirl and report any errors in #bleeding-edge-testing channel in our main Discord server.

Thanks for all the help, feedback, and encouragement over the past year of work on 3.0. 


Madalin Vlad

Might be best to link to https://github.com/wabbajack-tools/wabbajack-3.0-betas/releases/latest instead of a specific build, saves you time from dealing with reports of issues fixed in newer versions.

John Barry

So far a mixed bag,, took ages to compare files, (on an upgrade) so much so I force quit and deleted everything, and started again. This time it installed all files, then decided to hash every file on my download drive, all 750GB. However that did shine a light on the fact that I have a lot of partial downloads, and older revisions of files. Still indexing as I write.