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In my last post I mentioned I planed to do a big push this way and get a lot of the UI issues with Wabbajack 3.0 done and out of the way. That plan went exceptionally well this week. I've found that when a large number of smaller "not fun to do" issues crop up in a project, sometimes it's best to just sit down, crack open an energy drink, knock them out, and then feel better about it afterwards.

So this week I successfully finished off the installer error alert windows (they had a few visual glitches), hooked up the compiler error windows, implemented the author upload controls in 3.0 (ported from 2.5), added support for automatic list updating at the end of a compilation (also a port from 2.5), and finished off today with implementing compiler configuration saving and loading. So now once you compile a list, and come back later to the app, it remembers what you compiled last time and has all the settings loaded for you.

This means the UI is "feature complete"! What's left is to debug the UI a bit and fix some bugs in the compiler. While running tests on these new UI features, I noticed that during compilation the UI sometimes hangs for 20 seconds or so. If I compile a list via the CLI the whole compilation process may take 7 seconds (for a test list), but in the UI the same list may take 30 seconds. I've seen this several times in the 3.0 codebase so I need to track it down, seems like some sort of deadlock or other such issue. Once that's fixed I can try to recompile some more lists, and if all goes well we'll still be on track for launching near the end of the month. Or at least get a Beta build out for testing.

Thanks again for the support and stay tuned in the next few weeks for more updates. 


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