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As mentioned in my last update, the Nexus has made some nice changes in preparation for their implementation of Collections, namely they will no longer allow mod files to be deleted. This is a good change as it means lists and collections will go down less often an in general everything will be a bit more stable. So why are Wabbajack lists constantly going up and down right now?

Well, these changes have been rather controversial, and so in order to play nice with those who disagree with the changes, the Nexus is allowing mod authors to delete all their mods via a formal request. It's interesting to note that this is a "all or nothing" deal. A given author can delete all their files, or keep them up. And this offer stands until early August (Aug 5th IIRC). Some have taken this offer. When these mods are completely removed, we can no longer heal them, because there is no longer an updated mod on the Nexus to reference. In some cases we can switch to the non-Nexus download source, but in some rare cases these authors are choosing to not re-host, or (in some rare cases) to rehost to sites that contain illegal content.

The good news is, under these new hosting rules, hidden files are still downloadable. So the only reason a list goes down is if an author deletes *all* their mods. And this issue will only remain in place for a few more weeks

TL;DR for all this is, it's our list uptime is going to suck for the next few weeks. There's not a whole lot we can do about this, but after Aug 5th we should see lists go up and remain up for long periods of time.

So thank you for your patience, sorry for the mess, the situation should improve soon. 


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