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Little over a week, since the last update, but a lot's been going on.

Almost right after my last post we had the fantastic experience of having our CDN go down.  Out of the blue parts of the files we hosted on BunnyCDN decided to not sync across regions. I contacted support and while they eventually fixed the problem, the fact is we don't really need a full blown CDN, and I like the tighter control I can get from running a server on my own.

So I went and rented a VPS server, installed Nginx and within a few days we were back up and running on the new server. This didn't go off without a hitch. Mostly due to some older code that was tied fairly closely to BunnyCDN. But now that's in the past, the server code handles a lot more errors, files we are allowed to mirror are automatically uploaded, and we're still able to serve up the same amount of data as before (about 5-8TB a day).

Despite all that work, I was also able to get in code to automatically update the launcher. As of the time of this writing, I have just pushed Wabbajack This version not only deletes old versions (leaving the most recent 2 old versions as backups), but also updates the launcher when needed, so we can push more features into the launcher as required.

So that's what's been happening in the past week. In some of my free time I've been thinking of how to better structure the UI code, as it's a bit of a mess right now, but there's still a lot of hammock time (deep design thought) to be put into the best way to go about cleaning up that code.

Once again, thanks to all of you, for the support. We're nearing some pretty awesome milestones as far as users go, so stay tuned for some updates and news about that in the next few days and weeks.


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