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So another year with WJ is in the books! Statistics are always fun to look at, so let's start with those, in the past 12 months, 48,879 users have completed installs 191,690 times. Over that time the most popular lists have been:

* Living Skyrim: with 22,550 installs

* Ultimate Skyrim: with 11,722 isntalls
* The Phoenix Flavor: with 10715 installs

* Total Skyrim Overhaul: with 8091 installs

While Skyrim still seems to be on the top of the downloads list, we have seen a fair amount of usage of WJ with Fallout 4 lists, and even about 2000 installs of some of our non Bethesda lists like "Into the Stardew Valley".

Thank you to all our users and staff for making this project possible. I could have never dreamed that in 12 months we'd see this much traffic and this many happy users.

Looking forward to 2021, I think the biggest changes we'll see this year is more and more support for other games. At this point, if a game is supported by Mod Organizer 2, setting up support for the game in WJ is as trivial as adding about 10 lines of code. If MO2 doesn't support the game then we still have options for support via the new "native compiler" feature in WJ which allows us to use WJ to create an arbitrary output folder of mods, not linked to MO2 or any other mod manager.

As time goes on I'd like to continue to add more stability to the application as well as move to .NET 5.0. The .NET 5.0 transition may help the app run a bit faster, but is mostly about staying up-to-date with the latest technologies available to Windows application development.

So once again, thank you so much for your continued support, this past year has been amazing, and I'm looking forward to another crazy year of game modding, empowered by Wabbajack.


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