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That phrase could be seen as good or bad, and frankly it was a little of both this time around.

About two weeks ago Total released the Total Skyrim Overhaul, a Requiem based SSE list focused on role-playing and a bit more "hard core" mechanics set than our more casual lists. We saw a huge influx of users of Wabbajack due to this list and we hit around 100 unique finished installs per day since the list has been out, so that's fantastic. Then a few days ago Lexy updated her guide to support LotDv5 and shortly afterwards Mdc211 updated the Wabbajack installer to match the new guide...and that's when our install numbers hit an all time high. Yesterday we hit 285 completed installs of Lexy's guide in a single day. So yes the popularity of the app exploded.

On the downside, our file hosting also exploded. So far we've been hosting modlists and their supporting files on GDrive. These files get to be up to 2GB in size since they can contain a lot of generated information and patches. Do a bit of quick math, and an average of 150 installs a day, at 2GB, comes out to 300GB of bandwidth a day, or 9TB a month. Well, naturally GDrive was unhappy with that and we started hitting unpublished quota limits.

Long story short, we'll be using a fair amount of the Patreon money each month keeping a file and build server running. What we're getting now each month will more than cover our expenses, but thank you so much for your support as the support now goes from "a nice to have" to "critical to keeping the lights on".

It's crazy to sit back and think that 6 months ago Wabbajack didn't exist, and now we're sitting at well over 13k Discord members, 150 downloads a day, and 10 modlist installers covering 5 of Bethesda's biggest RPGs. I wouldn't be here without our supporters, moderators, dev team members, modlist authors, mod authors, and fans. 2020 has started with a bang, let's keep that momentum going!


Mike Gray

I'm delighted that you have enough of a war chest to keep the thing running right now.