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she's still feeling a little sick... previous: https://sta.sh/01tpecafflui

another camilla doodle... evil tummy alts: https://sta.sh/21ewl3gkt0x9



clinko clinko

these nightmares are COMPELLING BY GOD 👀 i love the camilla/pricess storyline very much

Hugh Mungus (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 09:08:26 The environmental differences between the evil & regular versions are a nice touch!
2023-03-22 11:16:39 The environmental differences between the evil & regular versions are a nice touch!

The environmental differences between the evil & regular versions are a nice touch!


Evil tummy?! They prefer the term "roundly misunderstood".


chubby... wonder if the chub comes from p-p-peop


YES ! The new adventures of Camilla and the princess ^^ I was surprised by Camilla's evil form: you have a lot of tricks up your sleeve when it comes to storytelling Lewdlemage, I'm impressed ! (I find Camilla's evil smile really cool). And I really like Camilla's black jumpsuit! What material is it made of? Is it leather?


Great to see these two again, I'm a big fan of Camilla's design! And wow, I didn't think you meant it quite so literally on those *evil* tummy alts haha. Very intrigued now


I could change her


Any update on the February stream?


Yeah I’m probably thinking this Monday— gonna mention it more on the next update post!


Pot-belly ahoy XD Guess her rump isn't the only thing all the snacking went to - probably makes it comfy in there, though. Also, scary dream-mouth thing being scary... should we be worried?