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belts loosening and chairs creaking...... 

for mobilefolk: https://sta.sh/03jkxr6so8m

that's the first stop done... onto the next one! next page in a day or two... ill prolly do a little sketch in-between this and the next page to break up the stuffin for a sec. also for anyone wondering as the month winds down, i'm just gonna focus on finishin the comic and i'll probably finish up yamato the first week of december (final version gonna be in here: https://sta.sh/26zgqe8c7d1). if i miracously finish earlier then i'll finish it earlier! but we shall see.... but for now, let's get gibbon......






N'urs crushing a chair beneath her fat ass is incredibly sexy. I volunteer to replace that chair!


Haha, absolutely perfect work!! Can't wait to see what happens next!

MEUPORG490 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 09:09:31 Yes, I can finally read your comics on my phone! Thanks Lewdlemage ;) Also, Osmo is one of your old characters, right? If I remember correctly, he was a crook (and not a good one) before he was arrested by the space cop duo Nur's & Winona, right? It seems you're still interested in these old characters : do you plan to continue the space cops adventures one day ? (Related or not to the tummy fetish ^^ ? )
2022-11-23 21:33:39 Yes, I can finally read your comics on my phone! Thanks Lewdlemage ;) Also, Osmo is one of your old characters, right? If I remember correctly, he was a crook (and not a good one) before he was arrested by the space cop duo Nur's & Winona, right? It seems you're still interested in these old characters : do you plan to continue the space cops adventures one day ? (Related or not to the tummy fetish ^^ ? )

Yes, I can finally read your comics on my phone! Thanks Lewdlemage ;) Also, Osmo is one of your old characters, right? If I remember correctly, he was a crook (and not a good one) before he was arrested by the space cop duo Nur's & Winona, right? It seems you're still interested in these old characters : do you plan to continue the space cops adventures one day ? (Related or not to the tummy fetish ^^ ? )

Lelouch vi Britannia

I would love to see a bonus page the aftermath of what they have done say seeing both of them gain Wight and are a bit cubby after say month after eating


I really love the framing of that last panel with just their bellies peeking in from the side. The juxtaposition of their guts looking so big while the others look small is great stuff! Speaking of great stuff, I look forward to seeing how greatly stuffed they get at their next stop!


Can I just say I really love Mona’s outfit, especially her little boots


I would like to gib thanks