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*stirring a bubbling cauldron* welcome back ghouls and ghosts... we've all managed to make it to the scariest month of the year..... what horrors awai- what do you mean it's the 2nd!? ....shhhshh shhshh!! it's a leap year, so september has 31 days! october just started ok!!

ahem, regardless... it's back to business as usual here at the lewdlemage estate, just regular fanart polls! we shall see what spooky ideas you all have this month... as always, the submissions post for BIG FISH will be going up in just a bit!

First order of business, I'll be catching up on those sketch winners from last month! I'll be bustin those out on the side this first week as I also focus on finishin up that smauggie page I mentioned last month (this time for REAL!).

That's my immediate plans! After that I have a trade planned with a certain artist, and OF COURSE I will be participating once again in the most important holiday this month........ balloon day.....

but lets not get ahead of ourselves!! as i said, the submissions post is going up in just a sec! i've a good feelin for this month.... lookin forward to what you guys come up wi- *falls into the cauldron, after several minutes re-surfaces face-down and unmoving*


Daedric Mage

95% of users were SHOCKED by the ending of this week's update 😱😱😱 did you make it to the end? How will our Noodley Mage get out of this one? You'll have to tune into the next update to find out! Same worm-time. Same worm-channel!


Oooh, balloon day! Begs the question of who shalt be inflated. ... Despite the promised Smauggie page, I vote for the overcompensating, dorky (comparatively) little dragon to be the balloon.

Tired Pro

...so uhh, we sposed to just scoop 'em out, or...?

Marxiis, Archon Prime

Does anyone have a hand pointer stick? Gotta poke him to make sure he’s still alive.