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w-wait a sec that's not right!

i have a love/hate relationship with seven sins, i love diane/elizabeth/etc but man... i cannot stand meliodas...... was highly tempted to chuck him in diane's tum and just have elizabeth be okay hahahaa edit- bc everyone agrees, "screw meliodas version": https://puu.sh/Gsof7/242d948ff6.png




god please do just chuck him in there, the framework is already set


Honestly sum vore would’ve been nice, greyroad would’ve been nice cuz you can’t kill anyone in front of her, but if she was chucked in there it would’ve been another loop whole other than sealing

Hugh Mungus

Very nice picture as usual! Would've been cool to leave the fate of those two a mystery!

That One Guy

She's rocking quite the beer gut


Waaaaaa we have been blessed with an another amazing sketch from the worm


Surprised you didn't sneak in a Smauggie cameo or one of your other medieval OCs.


The thing that annoyed me about Seven Deadly Sins is that A. Everybody is too much of a goody-two-shoes except Ban, who is a loveable asshole. and 2. HALF THE CHARACTERS ARE SECRETLY A THOUSAND YEARS OLD AND LOOK LIKE KIDS! It’s so annoying. Almost all the characters are completely uninteresting Mary Sues. It was also bizarre to me that seemingly every time Diane would get any character development, she would get her mind wiped and be back to square one. Poor girl’s got serious brain problems with everyone rummaging around in her brain.


yeah.......... it's a show with a lot of deep flaws, but it's one of those series where i just like ONE or two characters and couldn't help reading the manga just for them lol


YES please leave Meliodas to be digested


Wow not only does she not have an amazing beer gut, but she's got an amazing beer rack as well.


Are the red marks on her breast similar to the red anger marks near the dialogue bubble? What do they mean? I like to think it means that they're straining or even engorged... Noticed this in the last Samus drawing as well.


Yes!!! Diane is number two waifu of all time on my personal list. and the fact she doesn’t get a lot of attention, this is too nice☺️

Hugh Mungus

That alt version you whipped up is GREAT! I'm glad I checked again!


Ah ah, I love your alternate versions of your sketches ;)