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I just added the last "M" for alliteration's sake... Hey everybody!! As is custom, I wanted to let you guys know what the schedule is towards the end of the month as I shift into ANIMATION mode...

The Tifa animation is coming along! I'm lining/coloring rn, I'd like to have it done this week, though a safe estimate would be the 25th! 

After Tifa's finished, I'll finish up Kuroeda's animation on like the 28th! And then, I'll most likely wrap up the month with a Mirko sketch and the next Lami page on the 31st! Though the Lami might depend a little on if my inker's schedule is free, we shall see!  

 In the meanwhile, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do another lil stuffing pic later this week before the stream! 

That's all! Hope you're all staying well and I'll see y'all again soon! *backflips away*



Goddamn, that Tifa tease...fuck. Very happy with the pose and angle you went with.


I can’t wait for Tifa! I’m sure it’ll be amazing!!

Lulu Ven

OMG yay!! <3


Those are big boobs... and she looks slightly embarrassed about it.


why does everything you post keep looking better and better. it's all been great this whole time too. unreal.