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she's trying

funnily enough it took a while for lucoa's design to grow on me but i really like it now lol



Jesus Jr

SO CUTE!!!!! 🥰💕🤩😇😉


Dragon waifu be extra thicc 🤣


Is that a reference to the Venus of Willendorf? We're reaching sophistication levels that shouldn't be possible.


when lucoa tries to be smart, she ends up becoming thicc instead


Hnnngghhh oh god this chubby little Lucoa is just ADORABLE. Did she unbutton her shorts, or did her tummy do that for her? The reference to the fertility idol is very apt and funny as well. You sure know how to make me glad I'm a patron! Weird question; is the blue can with the bird face on it supposed to remind me of the Nedroid webcomic?


Ah!! Yes! You got my incredibly specific reference! Hahaha I doodled the bird there and just left him there because I thought it was funny hahaha


This is fantastic! I can’t help but notice her knees are a little thin/misshapen (it seems to me anyway). I only mention it because you have the best anatomy of any artist in this genre hands down, so I’m nit picking haha. Check out how the vastus lateralis (or something near there) wraps around the outside of this girl’s knee: https://images.app.goo.gl/PDUZ1BJU1QesiMZMA