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Hey everyone!! New month, new polls! Like usual I'll be posting up the suggestion box for the $10+ tiers in a little bit, so feel free to leave a comment on that if you'd like to use your suggestion this month! 

Schedule-wise I'm wrapping up some Smauggie stuff in another day or so, and then I'll just be getting some of the Fear Lizard sketches done while we decide on the character for the monthly animation! 

However, small note of business regarding the Fear Lizards! Moving forward, I would like to decrease the number of slots slightly! This is mostly so I can focus on the animations a bit more, as well as have a bit more time for personal work! I'd rather not just randomly boot people out, so please DM me if you're willing to drop your slot either this or next month! Those that volunteer will retain some of their Fear Lizard privileges, as well as being given top priority if I increase the slots again! Otherwise, feel free to shoot me your sketch ideas for this month if you haven't already!

That's all the news I have for now, so... b-bye! *rolls away*


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