The rewards at each tier in February 各订阅条目可获得的奖励
- Maybe a new preview cover will do better 可能一个新的月份奖励总宣传会更好 68
- I totally understand what we can have with old preview cover 过去的宣传已经足够清晰了 12
Hey guys!
Because there are lots of Special Offers this month, parts of patrons had asked me that if they pledged the right tier.
由于本月附带了很多不同的Special Offers特别款待,部分订阅者有来询问我他们是否订阅了正确的订阅条目。
Here is a list of all the reward at each tier can get.
Plan A tier: Plan A奖励的订阅条目可以获得:
Plan B tier: Plan B奖励的订阅条目可以获得:
Combine Plan tier includes all the reward above.
Combine Plan组合订阅奖励条目包含了上述的所有奖励。
New-in tier includes all the reward at Combine Plan tier and more:
Veteran Fan tier includes all the reward at New-in tier and more:
Veteran Fan资深会员奖励的订阅条目包含了上述的所有奖励,且还包含了:
That should be clear enough. If you still have question, pls send me a message or leave a comment here. I will reply to you ASAP.
Also, if you guys thinks this list is more clear to see. I can ask my designer to make a new preview cover to show you the reward you can get at each month.
Thanks for all your support!