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Hey guys!


First of all, the reward of December had been sent already! If there is anyone who hadn't received the reward, please send a message to me and I will recheck it for you.


(Because I sent the message as a group, the message is still pending right now. You might need a moment to view it. Sry for this situation.)


Please do be aware, there is no blank space in the password to Dropbox.


About upcoming January:


At Plan A, the main topic here will <Tomb Coitus> Ep5.

在Plan A中,本月的主题将是来自新一集的《古墓性瘾》。

At Plan B, Zhou Suiyang had sent a special gift to his fan. He might can't take how weird that his fan doing with his present but also feeling erotic. What will happen in next month? Let's find out in our new epsiode next month.

在Plan B中,周岁扬给他的粉丝发了一个特别的礼物,他也许对他粉丝对礼物的使用方式感到无措但同时生理上也有一些微妙的反应。后续又会发生些什么进展呢?让我们在下个月的全新一集中探知吧!

At New-in, a new set of <Undercurrent: the Album> ep005 is leaking somewhere.


At Veteran Fan, Masayoshi will do a special collection of Lucas from <Scott Pilgrim Takes Off>

在Veteran Fan资深粉丝中,这个月富坚正义将会做一次非常特别的卢卡斯特辑。

I will send a new post as long as there is more update coming.


Thanks for your support!
