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Hey guys!


Notice first. Because of policy, one of our member had to changed his nickname into Cpaghetti, who is also a small team group. Many of you might easily guess who he really is but in here we have to pretend his is a fresh member.


As a not very new teammate, Cpaghetti stands for two people so that there is possibility one of a surprise member will show up irregularly and send his high quality tough love to all our supporters!


Cpaghetti now will take charge of Plan A tier.

Cpaghetti海鲜意面将会从本月开始负责我们的Plan A订阅条目。

His twitter: https://twitter.com/AnCpaghetti


bout upcoming May:


At Plan A, the main topic here is the fanart of <Hammerin' Harry>. Harry, as the main character of the game, who is doing some special activity during his breaktime.

在Plan A中,本月的主题将是来自游戏《大工の源さん》的同人作品。游戏中的主角田村源三灾工作休息的间隙进行的一些特别活动。

At Plan B, you had met the third main character in episode 2: the manager Xu. What is going to happen when the third party shows up and affect to the old family.

在Plan B中,我们系列漫画《暗涌》中,你在第二节中遇到了一个新的主要角色:徐经理。当原本的小情侣,遇到了第三方人物的进场后,会引发什么新的事件呢。

At Veteran Fan, Masayoshi will design three characters. And they have very different personality. Masayoshi will make another poll and let you all vote for your favorite kind in days.

在Veteran Fan资深粉丝中,这个月富坚正义将会设计出三个性格非常不同的三个角色。同时将会在近期发起投票,让赞助者选择出你们最喜欢的角色并进行后续设计。

I will send a new post as long as there is more update coming.


We are having a small break at the beginning of May, which I can't stand in front of computer and reply the message in time. The vacation due to 4th May.


Thanks for your support!



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