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Hey guys!

Many of you had seen the post I post yesterday. We are back in our Feburary Cycle! Although I can't grarantee we will keep ruining for months because of the game developing, we will be sure that every cycle will be a better cycle for you all!

From Anrick, the main character for both his Basic Pack and Special Pack will be the fan-art of Itadori from <Jujutsu Kaisen>. In Basic Pack, Itadori will wear his Baseball suit, resting in locker room. In Special Pack, he will be have some more fun with his teammates!

From Masayoshi, the main character for both Normal Pack and Fancy Pack will be a wrestler. In Normal Pack, the wrestler will gain his punishment for his lose. In Fancy Pack, all the audience will see their new wrestler had changed!

And there are some more changes also. Many of you should find out that our Pack in a wrong month. For example, we will send the September Reward in August. That is because our studio is in a charging up-front system. And we had missed one of our reward in a early month. Although we had sent the reward to the sponsers properly, the mistake of the month remain. After discussing with our teamates, we decide to change the name of cycle back in the right ones. So this is Offically a Feburary Cycle, at least is right in Earth time zone lol.

The preview of our previous reward will be sent in days. We will send the ones left before we are resting, so I think it should be the ones in October 2019.

Anyway this is kinda long. Hope you all will enjoy!

Thanks for all your support!



来自爆浆鱿鱼,他的Basic Pack及Special Pack的主要角色将会是对《咒术回战》的虎杖悠仁的同人创作。在Basic Pack中,虎杖悠仁将会穿上他的棒球服在休息室里休息。在Special Pack中,虎杖悠仁将会于他的队员们来一点乐子!

来自富坚正义,他的Normal Pack及Fancy Pack的主要角色将是以为摔跤新星。在Normal Pack中,这名摔跤新星将会为他的失败付出代价。在Fancy Pack中,观众将会发现他们所期许的摔跤新星已经变得不一样了。






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