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Hi, some more content before I release the final build of the game (or pre-final, since not all the customization is ready)

I posted some things in Discord, but half of my subscribers don't use it.

Reworked the events. Now, depending on the event, the player will  receive different effects. The event itself will consist of the following phases: meeting ->  transition to the selected option -> option result (and repeat if  event is continue) .

Here are some examples: Meeting:


The design of the tribal shop is ready and you can buy and sell items  in it. You can also buy clothes for customization in this store. Here is the store design:

I worked on old CGs, and improved them, as I noticed that they were too empty, here are examples:

I'm also working on new animations for the village, and now futanari can be fucked:

Another example of customization:

Also, I have already finished with the design of the main menu and  similar details. All I have left is to fix some bugs I found during the  development and add more animations for the post-final game (for example  the loli guards, I'm preparing a big animation with them).

Now I'm doing probably the most boring work on development, and  that's bringing the game to an acceptable appearance. This includes  adjusting sounds, redrawing placeholders, and constant testing. It takes  a lot of time and I constantly find small bugs that I then fix (for  example, sometimes the walking sounds don't work, and I spent almost a  day to find the reason). So I apologize for the delay.

Thank you for your support.


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