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Hello, as the title says, I'm alive and well, but there are big  problems with electricity. Due to the fact that I don't live in a city  but in the countryside, my electricity priority is quite low, so until  the war is over (or when the russians stop engaging in terrorism and  launching ballistic missiles at civilian infrastructure (they will never  stop because they hate my nation)) I will have huge problems with work.

Although this is a big problem, over the past month I was able to  deal with this problem a little, and make it possible to get electricity  for up to 4 hours continuously (gas generator, USP, and combining it  with blackout schedules). Although it is unreliable and highly dependent  on the operation of the power grid, I have somehow gotten used to such a  schedule. (Of course, this is provided that russia does not launch a  massive missile attack on my country again). Therefore, I can say that I have returned to work a little (I used to  try to work at night since there was still electricity then, but it  quickly stopped after the second massive missile attack by the russians).

So now to what I'm doing now.

About MFH, I have a lot of problems here. To be honest, I have been  developing this game for too long and there is no progress. I know I can  put the cause of this on the war, but that's too low. I'm actually  stuck with ideas and their implementation. This game gradually turned  from a light metroidvania into an overly complex game with many  mechanics and a minimum of content. When was the last time I added new  monsters or porn animations? This is the problem.

So I decided to do something different in order to make porn  animations again and develop them. And I have already done something, I  wanted to finish it in a month but the electricity did not allow me to  do it, but still I achieved something. In fact, it will be a small game (for now there are only 3 scenes, and  up to 8 are planned), there will be a minimum of text and a maximum of  hentai content, you can already play the alpha build and see where it  goes (the build is attached below). Here are also some screenshots of what will be added:

I will work on the development of this game until it is completely  finished and I will not be distracted by anything else. I need to go  through the entire development process from zero to the final version.

After that, I am sure that I will be able to develop MFH much faster,  since now I am constantly doing the same thing (reworking the code and  redrawing the MC animation, I have already done it 5 times, and even  yesterday when I wanted to do something with the game, I started rewrite  the settings code instead of creating new levels. What's wrong with  me?). I believe that this will help, and I believe that you also want to  see more hentai animations.

Thank you for the support and thank you for your kind words of support. I will try to make more content!



Nice! New content sounds amazing :D I am hyped for that vine girl (dryad?)!!


Come on,may the world be peaceful!