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Hello! I'm back from the hospital and now I'm ready to resume work. Therefore, today I want to tell you about my next step and the plans I have.

As you know, I have two more unfinished games, namely "My Forest Home" and "This Village Needs Help?!".

Both games are quite interesting for me to develop, and they are also connected by plot (events in the games take place in the same world and time). But I will have to choose a higher priority project and now it is "My Forest Home".

A lot of text below

Lore of the game

From the original idea of the game about a destroyed house that needs to be repaired, I moved to the idea where the house needs to be built from scratch and also settle in a forest that will be saturated with different races with their settlements.

Also, the player will be given a global mission, namely to take the letter of inheritance to the owner of the forest and receive the inheritance, as well as new duties.

The global mission will be fully focused on the metroidvania element, namely finding and solving problems occurring in the forest.

Lust Curse

Of course, during the global mission, the main character will receive the "Lust Curse", and will receive a side mission to remove this curse.

As you might have guessed, "Lust Curse" is what will make the main character a futanari, and also unlock the game's H content.

The basis of the idea of a curse is that the curse will affect what and how happens to the heroine. There will be a curse scale that will show how much the heroine is controlled by the curse.

For example, I will give a situation:

A heroine with a small scale of curse progress will refuse to have sex with male monsters, at the same time, if the curse progress rises, there will come a time when the heroine will want to do it.

Of course, to unlock more scenes, you'll want to increase the curse's control over the heroine. But this will have negative consequences, as some monsters will be able to knock down the heroine more easily (why fight if you can fuck?), also some settlements will refuse to accept you as it is dangerous. That is, some progress will be closed until the curse's control over the heroine is reduced.

I will prepare some methods to reduce the control of the curse on the heroine. But at the same time, I will prepare some things for players who want to raise the curse control of the heroine to the maximum.


Part of my game will be building a house and farming resources for it. In order to make it profitable for the player not only within H content (that is to bring some NPCs home to have a good time with them), I want to add items that the player can use in exploring the game world.

Therefore, the production of consumables will be added to the game, these will be items that the player can use in battle (daggers, bombs, potions, etc.), items for completing NPC tasks (tasks from settlements and the like), items for upgrading characteristics (upgrade weapons, skills) .

Not everything will be available at first, so the production of workbenches will be needed to open new possibilities (Alchemy table, forge, rune table will be 100%).

Of course, all this requires resources, and this caused me a headache more than once, since the game world will be like a metroidvania, I don't want resources to be simply restored every time the player leaves the room and comes back (it's not fun!).

Therefore, the solution to this problem will be zones of forest instability. These zones will have randomly generated levels in which you will always be able to find a certain amount of resources and also be able to find new tasks or complete tasks from NPCs.

These zones will not have a mandatory value, so they can be ignored. Still, even in normal zones, you will be able to find enough resources to make basic workbenches, but not enough resources to make a lot of items. Also, resources in the world will not be restored.

When the next build

If you read what I described above, you will be able to understand the volume of work that I signed up for. Right now I am working on a new build where I will make prototypes for each of the systems. Some I already have ready, some need improvement, while some systems are still not done.

The next build won't be pretty and will probably have a lot of placeholders, but at the same time I'll try to make everything work smoothly.

So far I won't do anything related to the story, but I will add locations to explore, random generation, building a house, using items, curse of lust.

The approximate time until the next build is a month / a month and a half.

Thank you for your support



Please take care, and I'm excited about these plans for the future!


Honestly sounds amazing. I'm looking forward to it having played all the betas.