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Look! It's the highly anticipated boomer shooter Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun, the tale of an angry religious fanatic shooting things with giant space guns! I'd never heard of this game until a couple weeks ago when it came out. I can't believe no one told me about it! Did you guys know?

As hinted at the end of this video (and the pile at the end of the Blake Stone video) HROT should come next unless I play through episode 3 again and can't come up with anything to say. I've been playing the new levels as they release because I was excited to see if the game went into space. (It does not, but it almost does.)

After that, I'm hoping to start work on a new series and if that doesn't immediately pan out, you can look forward to a Soldier of Fortune video because I played through that for the first time in my life and I have thoughts. Many, ludicrously mustachioed thoughts. 

P.S. Anyone who tells me that there's ALSO a shout-out to MAP01 from Doom 2 right before the shout-out to E1M1 is getting paratamized.


An even newer Patreon discord invite link!

Patron discord link:


If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it.

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list so if you don't see your name, it will be in the next upload.



BOLTGUN Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 02:29 - Civvie is a Paranoid Old Man Who Hates Video Games 06:17 - The Numbers Game 12:37 - Yes, I Know You Can Gib Them 17:14 - The Quest of the Angry Tin Man 21:51 - End Credits Links: Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Noelle's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCee6OxuVy7crcYavcA2ibAw #retrogaming #FPS #FreeCivvie



Love the inclusion of the Mitchell and Webb skit! Are we the baddies???


As a lifelong 40k dork, I couldn't be happier that Civvie is part of the fluff now.