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We've got a special! And I do mean special, because this is the longest video I've ever put out, eclipsing the Blood 2 Rawmaster by about seven minutes. A lot needed to be discussed because Epic sucks, Unreal is great, Return to Na Pali is hilarious, and it's about time I concluded the stupid lore bits I've been sprinkling throughout the videos over the last year or so. 2023 clean slate.

I'll never understand the lack of love for Unreal when compared to the other titans of the time like Doom, Quake, Half-Life, etc. Maybe Epic's live-burial of the single player games had something to do with it. Maybe, maybe not. There are touches of Unreal everywhere - in Dusk, maybe in Amid Evil a bit - but no one seems interested in really recapturing that magic, packaging it on Steam for $20 bucks and sending me a key. I'm told of Wolf3D-likes 100% more than I'm told of Unreal-likes. What a shame. 

Hopefully the audio issues (Unreal is loud) and video issues (Unreal is dark) have been worked out to provide maximum viewing pleasure. 

Prisoner 849... escaping. 




An even newer Patreon discord invite link!

Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/hHmmq4ts8Q

The discord link SHOULD be working again now. Not sure why it wasn't before.

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it.

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list so if you don't see your name,  it will be in the next upload.


Epic Unreal Megaspecial

...because it is Unreal. Chapters: 00:00 - It's Called Unreal 09:16 - Going Down 14:51 - The Mines 20:34 - The Way of Water Temples 23:04 - Dark Arena 24:14 - The Unreal Shotgun 25:18 - Terraniux 28:01 - Temple of Vandora 29:43 - Demon Ship 34:26 - Gateway to Na Pali 41:14 - Bluff Eversmoking 43:10 - The Grind 44:30 - The Demonlord's Lair 47:24 - The Mothership 51:00 - Return to Na Pali 01:03:09 - The Prometheus 01:06:09 - The Foundry 01:07:57 - Escape From Na Pali 01:11:21 - You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory 01:14:02 - End Credits Links: Braynnorth's YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/Braynnorth Noelle's channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCee6OxuVy7crcYavcA2ibAw Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon discord: https://discord.gg/nwArDS2yEH #FreeCivvie #RetroGaming #FPS



Goodness. Unreal. That opening to the Falls after escaping the ship. It's up there with playing Unreal Tournament and playing the map Morpheus/FacingWorld/Phobos. I got pissed way back when Epic were advertising Unreal Tournament 3 and in the advertisement it said, "From the makers of 'Gears of War'"... I was like WHAT?! Ya'll did your foundational games dirty. Not respecting the past like... I don't know when the next "Unreal" game will happen. I hope to create a series based on the Universe of Unreal but... time will tell. Thank you for putting the time and effort into this video. Good times and hopefully, this educates future game makers about what goes into a game world.

Blue Pepsi and gasoline

I hope this means Civvie is going back to the shithole OG cell and stricken of all his amenities like toilet and comfortable gaming chair and regular food for a while


It's been decades since I last played Unreal, I don't own a copy anymore and now that it's delisted I can't (Fuck you Tim) but I'm almost certain that if you start charging the rocket launcher with M1 and then hold M2, when it fires the rockets are in a tight circular pattern rather than spread out horizontally. This video has been out for quite awhile and I haven't delved to deep into the comments, so it might have been brought up already.