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It's that time again. As foretold by the oracles of jank, as written in the sky on the dying stars of a thousand cursed systems, a video game of such unfathomable horror came into my possession. Its motives alien to me, I sought to not just capture it for study, but to understand the most important of questions... why?

When Tesla said "you may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension" I thought maybe like one or two man-made horrors beyond my comprehension, but here I am with the second terrible eastern European shooter covered on this channel that don't do bullet time correctly. And has a story that could only make sense to a deranged madman, but not a deranged madman like me. 

I started recording footage of this game in late April and it has taken until now to unleash it upon the world. May god forgive me for what I've done here today.




New Patreon discord invite link!

Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/MD3pChf3hc

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it.

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list so if you don't see your name,  it will be in the next upload.


The Ballad of John Chaser

A dark eye? Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 02:45 - Majestic 09:37 - Brain Spider 18:11 - Yahgootsa 23:28 - The Truck 27:19 - Water Torture 30:13 - Red Future 34:56 - Ass to Mars 39:20 - Waiting for a Train 42:30 - Dead Faction 46:44 - End Credits



Civvie, you deserve to play a good game. Like Aliens vs Predator 2 from 2001 👉👈👉👈

g p

"MARS ↓ PROPERTY" t-shirt merch when Civvie


I'd buy a Cancer Mouse T-shirt in a heartbeat. I wish Civvie would put forth the minimal effort to get someone else to make merch for him. Easy money. For Blackjack and hookers!