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This one is a bit more dry than the last. Interesting game that I wanted to get into a little deeper and would likely do a longer video when it gets a full release. This episode is coming out a little later than I'd planned due to life interfering with my schedule. It was so much simpler when I was stuck inside with nothing to do. 

As for a longer main-line video, I'm currently in the later stages of an episode on the full release of Nightmare Reaper, which is happening soon. I expect the video will be out sometime next week at the latest. I've got a rough cut done that needs the usual amount of polish before going out the door.

As for the next "What's Civvie Playing?" that's gonna be weird and different. I also wish I could have gotten a proper April Fool's vid out this year but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. I had an idea that didn't pan out so I focused my efforts onto the Nightmare Reaper video. As it stands, my current schedule for April Fool's videos skips a year and I'd have a hard time topping 2021 anyway.

And while I'm thinking of the next "What's Civvie Playing?" I have to look into what kind of copyrighted music use I can get away with. These aren't monetized and I'll be damned if they block a banger track like the one I have planned.  


What's Civvie Playing - Extraneüm

Pixels! Secrets! Umlauts!


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