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It's October, and that means spooky stuff!

I've wanted to cover this game for the longest time. I've also wanted to do a point-and-click again for less than the longest time but still a while. The last one was Blade Runner which was in January. Of 2020.

Scratches is one of those games I still have a physical copy of. The deformed jewel case in the video is a real picture of it. It feels funny because I'm 90% sure I bought it in the same Target that I bought Evil Dead: Regeneration in.

I feel like last year when doing Death Wish and Evil Dead: Regeneration, there was a lack of actual horror in the game selection. Both games were horror themed, but not exactly scary. Scratches is scary. The game that Senscape is working on now, Asylum, hopefully continues the tradition of scary adventure games. The genre of point-and-click adventure games saw a slight revival in the early-mid 2010's with Telltale's Sam and Max, Wallace and Gromit, and Back to the Future games. Then Telltale leaned hard into making games about sadistic choices after The Walking Dead did super well. I'm sorry Clem I tried so hard but I couldn't... I'm so sorry please forgive me  

Not only that, but next time we're doing a real trash game, a botched 2000's horror shooter, and I feel like I haven't done a real trash game in forever either! Not since Alpha Prime. Unless you count Hexen. Or Redneck Rampage. Or the Hellraiser game. Stay tuned until the end to see some brief thoughts on the Fallen Aces and Postal: Brain Damaged demos. Been considering making short blurbs in each video about demos that come out because everyone asks me to play them and if I dedicated videos only to demos I'd only ever be making videos about demos.

New patreon discord invite link!

Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/MD3pChf3hc

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it.

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list.


Scratches - The Curse of Jerry

The real estate market in Northampton is a killer. Links: Noelle's channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedySPCFan Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 02:53 - Saturday 11:53 - Sunday 16:11 - Monday (Spoilers) 24:40 - Last Visit/Ending 26:17 - Fallen Aces/Postal Brain Damaged demos Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11Join the Dungeon discord: https://discord.gg/nwArDS2yEH



Enjoyed this one. I still have the CD around here somewhere. Great, creepy atmosphere.


oh man do I hate this game


A very atmospheric spooky game with some obstuse puzzles. Didn't expect to see this from you. Nice surprise.


I've wanted to do something different for so long but y'know, a lot of stuff in the backlog.




I still have the Director's Cut back from when GOG sold it. And I remember playing it a few years ago, but never making it past day two. First-person adventure games from that era could be so damn obtuse without walkthroughs! It's a shame because I also remember the amazing atmosphere and a well-told, creepy story. Thanks for doing a video on it!


No Kreed sequel? :D


This game very accurately describes what it's like to be a writer. It's 10% writing, 90% finding excuses not to write.


Man. Fuck Jerry.


2000s trash horror shooter? Only one that comes to mind is HellForces. ...you're not doing HellForces are you?


Duuuuuude, I remember getting this game off of a trade on Goozex (I checked, it's not around anymore lol). I'm surprised anybody else cares enough about this game, much less would do a video covering it. Kudos to you, CV11 👍👍


Nice! Was one of my favourites growing up and I ended up Kickstarting the spiritual successor called Asylum Augustin was making... That was like 8 years ago and it's nowhere to be seen. It's as Vapourware as Scratches is Abandonware so...good job I guess?


hey Civvie, have you considered playing Shivers and Shivers 2?


"It's very moody and unpleasant outside but it is England" Can confirm.


Great episode as always Civvie. Really interesting game!


Oddly enough I had a weird ad on YouTube few days back discussing the effects Thalidomide did back in the mid 1900s and how bad it effected many people and how it still is making reprimandations today. So I don't blame you for not wanting to get into it

Samuel Albert Mell

Oh hey, wasn't expecting this game! I liked it enough to back the game the dev team put up on Kickstarter, Asylum. And.... that was over 10 years ago :/ I don't really have much faith in them by this point.


For some reason it's giving me Realms of the Haunting vibes, by Gremlin. Now THAT is a weird yet fun game with heaps of FMVs all throughout. Awesome vid, Civvie!


*strolls by in a dark trenchcoat* Psst...https://steamcommunity.com/games/asylum


Thanks for mixing it up. It's got me replaying this game right now, Good choice.


I have used a rotary phone and they didn't model how it works correctly. You needed to rotate the dial all the way to that hook bit that covers the dial. ----- Nice fucking model! RING! RING!


Love the video. Love your adventure game videos Civvie. You should do more.


Wow Senscape is still working on Asylum? Already forgot about that game a long time ago, that’s awesome. Also Scratches is probably scary… but it really doesn’t come across as such in this video.

Karol Kowalski

there's one slavjank game I want to recommend but english voices are awful - Gorky17 - one probably can switch subtitle files tho


Would you ever play the Soldier of Fortune series or System Shock 1 and 2?


Kinda crazy seeing this game after so long. That part where that dude jumps out of the darkness at you still haunts me. Never knew it had more to the story though, first point and click I ever played and enjoyed. Cool, thanks for reminding me this exists might go back and revisit this one.