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Everyone online was discussing this game recently and this video still happened by accident. It was Plan C after Plans A and B fell through. Plan A was Postal 4 Thursday, which was actually too janky for me to make a proper video on, though now it's patched so fingers crossed.

Felt nice to do something a little different because 90% of requests are FPS games and the other 10% are cereal related FPS.

I'd only played some of Alice before making this video. I already knew it was a good game. Been nagging myself to do a video on it forever, almost since Bad Day L.A. when the channel was still mostly about doing bad games which is a shitty and unsustainable business model (for me, anyway). 

It took a while for this one to really come together because of the "animated" bits and some audio issues that Premiere was having. This is a spoiler-heavy review and so I put two spoiler tags that are also jokes.


New patreon discord invite link!

Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/7FV6SEkb5d

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it.

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list.


American McGee's Alice - Talent in Madness

A cultured discussion of piracy, cutlery, and children's toys. Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Alice Chapters: 00:00 - Intro/"Allegedly" 04:03 - Follow the Rabbit 11:10 - The Part Civvie Hates 17:09 - The Jabberwock's Eye 23:12 - Busting Staff 24:31 - Gryphon vs. Jabberwock 25:53 - The Final Onslaught



Man, that guy on Reddit’s gonna be very upset haha.


What was plan B?


I love this one. Still have the CD for it but haven't tried to play in years. Solid game and appropriately weird.


Duke Nukem Manhattan Project but for some reason my saves were missing and I'm going to have to play it again.


This game is a great pallet cleanser.. Reminds me of what Thief did for the Quake clones.


Love this game, was always obsessed with the art style. Stuck at work and got the notification so I’ll be set later tonight cheers!!


Discord is full of stinky reddit mods


pro leisure suit larry when civvie


So glad to see you cover this one, your style of writing is perfect for this stuff.

Tripp Andre

You got me with the gun during the final boss battle. Also, I was surprised to not see a Gordon Ramsey clip when you were on the invisible ledge - must be a sign of respect! Will have to add this to my list for sure. Good stuff Civvie.


Fuck Origin. See, a lot of these FIFA games are copied and pasted....


I'm still amazed that American McGee is his actual real name(and how rough of a childhood he had), and not just like a pen name he gave himself in high school or something to sound cool


Speaking of "not the usual stuff", any thoughts on covering the few shooters that have come out of Japan like Binary Domain or Lost Planet at some point?


I've got only one concern about this, We all know it's tim Willits, and sandy doesn't really hide it but He never said it was tim, He goes around naming everyone else. it you where to make a change, don't say Sandy names Tim. Grampa to sweet to be beafin on the internet,

Brian Rich

I always wanted to play this one, but I was still hooked on "Diablo 2" and trying to figure out if it was actually using my Voodoo2 or if it was just marketing hype.


I considered this and I thought since Tim Willits himself acknowledged it that it wouldn't be an issue.


One of my absolute favorites from back in the day. Unfortunately I can't find the discs for the pc version anymore and I sold my Madness Returns copy for PS3 which is the only way to play the extra digital American McGee's Alice that came with it (screw you EA). Nice video, good job. Can't wait for Kiss: Psycho Circus - The Nightmare Child, you know it's coming at some point


This is my first video after my first patreon payment, really happy I can now support as such, your videos have kept me entertained for a long while now and really helped me through some rough times. Love the video, also love the added pop ups indicating the song playing. Also so sorry if this is rude but could I ask for my name to be in hex code #E1AD01 in the credits if at all possible?


Thank you for pledging, sir, I'll have your name color changed for the next upload.


The game pass version of madness returns has the OG alice as playable


Trying to find a way to play this game is so annoying. I think the only legit one I found was GameStop


Did you try First Person Mode? https://alice.fandom.com/wiki/Cheats iirc console enabled this in the original, but it seems this may require a mod/patch for the remaster.


Pro Return to castle wolfenstein when Civvie?


Amazing content as always. Being it’s in currrent news, would you consider playing Deadspace sir?


My older brother bought this when it came out, still remember the day we picked it up from Target, as I got a kickass lego set. I never played it, as it was too weird/spooky for kid me. And by the time I was old enough to want to play it I was onto The Witcher 1 and Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl, and a shitton of ZSNES and Epsxe games.


great video, any chance we might see the sequel to this?


Ah yeah, I definitely played this as a young teenager, and while I never had nightmares over it, I think it was my first real experience with this over-the-top dark and depressing aesthetic, it did unnerve me a lot at the time.


I watched my roommate in college play this game and I was enthralled the whole time. That's a good mark of a great game. That and Clive Barker's Undying. Hugely great memories of those. FAKK2... not as much, lol.


"Bastard Fish" I geddit


This game really reminds me of Tad Williams' Otherland series of books - especially when they go to the Return to Oz simulation and the 4 characters are all generals at war. I'm not going to mention that abortion of an MMORPG. And yes, thank you Civvie for reminding me why I didn't buy this as a kid at Electronic Boutique. Nightmares.


I would humbly ask that you make my name my channel colors please. Claytonius (red) Does (gold) Things (red). The rgb codes are d192bf for gold and 7c0a02 for red. Thanks.


And now Humble Bundle has Alice Complete for 7.50 so go get it ya'll