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It's that time again. 

Where I do one of those Postal videos, which are, unquestionably, the most fun videos to work on and not just because I can personally pester people at RWS to annoy the shit out of them with bugs like how the vomit footsteps don't work right. They come together almost effortlessly because there's always some weird thing happening - intentional by the developers or otherwise - that throws a wrench into any kind of plan I might have for what I want the video to be. That sounds like a problem until... well, I don't want to spoil anything.

And whenever you see a title card that says "X minutes later," it is not an exaggeration


Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. 

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list. 



It's still a janky alpha, but it's 100% pure Postal madness.


Terry T. [ERROR]

Wonder how this game will end. I’m still hoping for nuclear apocalypse but we’ll see...


Prodeus came out in early access and now a new civvi viedeo... what a good day


Far be it from me to judge my fellow man... but the last time I checked, killing was a bad thing.


I hated the painting hunting so much


11:14 I didn't see a box cutter, did you?


Holy crap, you’re almost at $5000 a month! Does that mean we’ll get a Civvie movie?


HA! NOPE. I put the movie goal at like 50k a month, 5k a month is the toilet goal.


Mr Civvison, are RWS going to have permission from the govt to publish your real name in the games credits, or will you be credited as your incarceration number?

Bright Anderson

This really made my day, Civvie. Thank you for all the online entertainment, you're truly the pinnacle of it!


Would the world really want a Postal game that wasn't idiosyncratic and janky as fuck? Would that be right?


Excellent vid! Pro Prodeus when Civvie?


Does your captors know anything on the anomalous properties of the year 2020?

Dirk Hoderin

Didn't expext a Max Payne reference, or a section where you fuck a cat, so there's that.


Hello, just wanted to say I'm a big fan.


Love the video. I like how the Postal 4 alpha is coming along. But, speaking of Postal, Pro Postal 2: Happy Night when Civvie (sorry for the dead meme)?


We live in the worst timeline I swear to god. Long live Cthulu.