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This may be the worst video game I've ever played. Really, truly, sickeningly awful. In a way that I've purposely mixed some of the game audio lower than usual because of how ear-splitting and shitty it is. This is a curse, do not thank me for this, The Varginha Incident is the toxic sludge scraped from the bottom of the barrel after that barrel was buried in a landfill. Petty Thief #4 is coming next time thank christ someone please help me dear god it hurts I could put out a video that was nothing but Tim Allen grunts and it would be more worth your time 


Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. 

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list. 


The Varginha Incident - Vicious Cycles

Possibly I've seen too much. Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS Links: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedySPCFan/videos - Speedy's channel #FreeCivvie #DOS #Retrogaming



Pro Tim Allen Eueghs when, Civvie?


OMG, not this one.

Tony Toon

Anybody else up to a go fund me to buy Civvie a real DOS machine so he can replay this on original hardware? Nah, I guess I like him too much for that too.


There's DOS-Trash. Then there's this abomination.


I want you to know I got an email about this video while on a zoom meeting and reading the title made me make such a weird face someone else on the zoom meeting asked what was wrong

Christopher French

Oh my god. I got a shoutout. I REGRET NOTHING. YOU'RE WELCOME, AND I'M SORRY


Good, my day was going a little well so I welcome an abomination to help balance me out. Thank you!


This is worst than Tek..... *Cough Cough... Wait, did i just took falling damage? .. nvm this is worst than.. *COUGH COUGH... oh yeah that felt just like a rocket hit right in my face. You know what, nah tek war is worst.


A pleasant rainy Wednesday evening suprise! Also, Christ that looked like an utter arse to play.


Nothing is more dos trash than ultima Underworld. There is no mouse aiming and movement is bound strictly to the games preset keyboard layout.


But seriously, take a break man, you’ve got me worried.


Don't get too crazy. There will be worse games… in the future.


Hell yeah. Oh, if we're doing fancy colors now, I'd love mine to be in red if possible >_>


I'm proud to have my good name attached to this video.


This game definitively confirms that we are alone in the universe. No Type 3 civilisation is going to lower itself to hanging out with the same species of balding primates that puts out shit like this as entertainment

Erik Olsson (TerrorBlades)

Oh god, I will never regret becoming a patron of this channel. Honestly tho dude take a vacation with Blood Death wish, I'm guessing you have already played it but its amazing. And as far as I have played it its not even that hard and I only play on Extra Crispy.


Tim Alen Grunt Video when, Civvie?


Pro Redneck Rampage when, Civvie?


Hi Civvie! Long time lurker over on your YouTube channel. I finally signed up for Patreon so I can better support your work...and also to get purple vanity letters in the credits. xD Seriously though, you became my new favourite channel after your hearing your commentary about the Super Shotgun from the Pro Doom 2 video, and also that brilliant Full Metal Jacket reference. Thank you for adding so much humor into my life, and also for introducing me to Blood. :)


I love the rant over the credits - great work Civvie11


For next April fools, you should do call of duty advanced warfare

Tripp Andre

Don't be so proud of yourself. Sure, you completed the game, but the cycle count keeps lowering, and it's harder and harder to justify it. Ahh, but in all seriousness, thanks Civvie as always. Your craft shines on videos like these because the source material is not conducive to humor, unlike, say, Island Peril. And yet you make it happen. As one of the resident Thief diehards, looking forward to the next one.


I 2nd Pro-Redneck Rampage... Mainly because I actually liked that game, (or was it Rides Again that I liked? One of them.) best 90s CD-based soundtrack ever. Though I know by Civvie's references, he probably hates it.


Now that's some delicious J A N K. Absolutely MAL FEITO.


Pro Redneck Rampage? I'm all in!


Pro Redneck Rampage when Civvie? Pro Jurrasic Park: Trespasser when Civvie?? Pro Chasm: The Rift when Civvie??? Pro Heretic when CIVVIE????


We're getting close to a jank world tour! What's next? EYE divine cybermancy (France). The newly released Citadel (Japan). We gotta find more representation in this world o jank.


You suffer so we don't have to, yet. Thanks for keeping the content train rolling civvie!


Really fun and creative episode. I liked it. Just great! P.S.: Cancer-mouse in a german Netflix show!? AWESOME!


Cancer Mouse is my favorite. His over-the-top, far-right political satire is hilariously awful.




The Fortress of Dr. Radiaki will come for you one day, Civvie... Solid vid.


I like that before this in other Patreon updates you were like "ah man I haven't done DOS trash in a while I really want to get back into that" and then this update's email comes in like "oh god what the fuck did I do why did I do this what have I unleashed please it hurts so much".


Brazilian you say? What a mysterious jogo.


The Varginha Monologue


Hey Civvie, have you seen this weird Russia only game on the build engine released same year as quake 2 and got a sequel in 2005. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVp_LgKZJ4c