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Been a while, right? 

I took a short five day vacation last week to catch the flu and that was fun. If I sound like I'm recovering from a serious respiratory illness, that's why. More than usual, anyway.

The TNT: Evilution video got scrapped because it was crushingly boring. It felt like half of it was looking at the maps in a level editor and saying "wow, this is trash, why would anyone do this?" So you've all missed out on about 20 minutes of explaining why a thing is boring, which is, in itself, very boring. I made sure to include every gag from the script that I liked and that took up about a minute of the video.

Doom 3 is much less boring because while playing through it on what the game describes as "hard" it was hilariously easy most of the way through and has not been scary in about 15 years. The early 2000s were a magical time in gaming where ridiculous shit like ragdoll effects were new and cool and still jank.

Now that Doom Eternal is on the horizon, a video on Doom 2016 is right around the corner. Don't ask me about the Master Levels or TNT or No Rest For The Living or Batman Doom or whatever please.  Please. 


Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, 

shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. 

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list. 



"It's so black it's like how much more black could this be and the answer is none. None more black." Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS #FreeCivvie #Doom #RetroGaming



I'm sitting in a meeting room talking important work jargon but inside all I can think of is getting home, making a pizza and watching this


Civvie, I've just started replaying TNT: Evilution a few days ago, only because you were always saying how incredibly boring it is, and I didn't remember it being that bad, despite not playing it for like 15 years. Well, I pushed myself all the way to MAP15. Can confirm, it is incredibly boring.


:( I'd watch video about TNT: Evilution from you even it's boring. I'm sure, it's not


Sweet. I always liked Doom 3. I think a lot of people are pretty unkind about it, but iD were doing their own thing with it, and it is unique in the series.


I promise it was boring. I put all the good jokes from it into the first 3 minutes of this video lol


Im really disappointed you're not doing TNT, but I've played through it entirely recently and i can sort of understand. Regardless, it would be awesome if you released your TNT video as a "lost episode." Beyond that, I won't ask you any further.


I don't remember TNT being that bad. I guess I need to revisit it.


Actually I liked TNT much more than Plutonia, but many disagree. I think I love the music from TNT sooo much I'm biased. TLDR: I'd watch your 50min video for the music.


The music is the best thing about TNT. Let's Kill at Will is a personal fav.

Aaron Thomas

Oh gods, thank you for postponing TNT. That video will be the day Civvie dies.


Would you ever cover map mods like Scythe or Momento Mori? If you prefer to just keep it to actual main titles that's fine but was just curious. Though sorry to hear about the TNT video being a flop, been a while since I last played it so I don't remember what it was like.


God you reminded me how much I hate trites and cherubs. Trite sections are just a slog of spamming the machine gun and cherubs feel like id trying to make a new monster worse than Lost Souls


Doom 3! Looking forward to this! Getting my TNT message over with: I think a lot of us WOULD like to see a few minutes of you utterly trashing it as it IS a rather naff map pack with only a few standout levels. Would rather you spent time doing games you enjoy (for better or worse :D).


I vividly remember buying D3 while on holiday, away from my gaming rig, caressing the disc... Finally got home to install and play after midnight. Noped out after the first machine gunner jumped out at me.


Hell yeah civvie, doom 3 was always one of my favorites when I was younger. The atmosphere and kinda 'roleplay-y' aspects in the beginning are extremely memorable, even if the combat is a little clunky. Honestly, worst thing about the game imo is the way the camera jumps when you take a hit. Very, VERY annoying when using the shotgun. Anyway I've commented enough, I love you civvie, I'll watch the video now. ❤️


The Doom 3 mini-boss Saboath is the prototype for John Carmack's eventual cyborg apotheosis.


Damn, uncle Civvie getting affected by the Flu, they don't even keep it clean in the Dungeon eh? That sucks, glad to know you're on the mend anyway.


That "Shot in the Dark" midi was effing brillian! :D Too bad about the TNT though. Concidered uploading it for Patreons only? Or do you plan on return to it some day?


I asked JR to sign my DOOM Black Book (1st edition, without his forward) and I nearly got him to sign John Carmack's page. Yes I made the Simpsons joke. (A portrait of Sean Connery signed by Roger Moore).


Here I am waiting for the new Animal Crossing on March 20th... I actually forgot Doom Eternal was coming out then. :P


I thought you were baiting me with a Doom 3 video for a TNT video for a moment there. Great stuff, but you really should just give us the TNT video.



DFawlt Uzr

Great video as always Civvie! Do you plan on covering Resurrection of Evil where you actually fight Palpatine?


We actually got pretty much 2 reviews for the price of one. Fucking props to you mate.


I still kind of have a soft spot for this game as when I played it like...2 or 3 years after it came out I was all "Oh man, this isn't that bad, what were people talking about?" But now...tried to play it again 2 years ago and woof. Also, since I don't have social media I didn't know where to put this if you haven't seen this yet, but I thought it was pretty darn cool of Duke himself to do: https://twitter.com/luulubuu/status/1170481876458512384


Oh, fuck yes! I was thinking to myself just the other day "I bet Civvie will never touch Doom 3", but here we are! But if I'm not getting a Master Levels video, can we at least get one for RoE? 👀


When I played this I did on a lower difficulty but never used the soul cube. When I got to the end I didn't know what the fuck was happening that the final boss was arbitrarily vulnerable to a specific weapon. I looked it up but the whole experience was an ongoing disappointment so it didn't matter by then. I also didn't listen to any of the dialogue or read anything so that didn't help things.


Hey Civvie, when fighting the tentacle commandos you had so much trouble with, duck as they lunge at you. They'll send that noodly appendage right over your head, buying you a couple more seconds of a stable crosshair to kill them before they followup with a boot to your crotch-height face.


Bit of a shame to not get Evilution for the "chronological/complete" order of things, but I don't blame you, I got about 5 maps in before giving up out of boredom myself, it's cool.

John Laws

Best weapon in classic Doom: the Shotgun Worst weapon in Doom 3: the Shotgun


Tis a shame that TNT is now dead but at least we got Doom 3 instead.


Make a mini video on TNT. Who says we need a full 20-30 minutes of TNT? Just say what has to be said, and cut the fat out wherever necessary.


I hated the Doom 3 Shotgun so much I figured out how to edit it's stats to not be absolute garbage, if yall want I'm down to post a google doc with instructions to make it not terrible. It actually becomes really fun to use (and I even lowered the damage output to balance out how busted it becomes)


I'm totally with you on TNT, it's boring as shit. I also got my hands on the Doom 3 beta way back, and it barely ran on my crappy computer. I will never forgive how Doom 3 hurt me by ruining the game I loved so much. Never. Seeing the cyberdemon fight at the end, I think I actually even played through the game at some point, but I don't remember a single thing about it. Get well soon, Civvie, and thank you for keeping the great content flowing!


Lost souls aren't a problem. You just take your trusty shotgun and.....FUCK!


A full 2 minutes of bitching out the horrendous Shotgun... Yup, that felt real good to hear. At least the Super Shotgun in RoE makes up for it... kinda.

James Del Duca

Two things I like about Doom 3: bonking zombies to death with the flashlight and playing coop with my friends in the LMS mod. I remember getting the ducktape mod but I see Razekai's post about editing the shotguns stats sounds very interesting...


In before the million+ comments complaining about the end music changing from what they're used to on the vid's release to the masses... And yeah, the shotgun was dogshit and I'm glad to hear it getting ripped and torn apart like it deserved.


Glad to hear you're back on your feet Civvie! Keep up the awesome job!


Looking back at the time this was posted, I wonder if it was covid-19. Keep kicking ass Civvie! We'll bust you out soon.